GIZ organises Vietnamese German summer school on wind power
Today, The Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Vietnam, in collaboration with the Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden) and Hanoi University of
Today, The Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Vietnam, in collaboration with the Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden) and Hanoi University of
?This Capacity Needs Assessment, published in 2016, provides information on existing and required expertise and skills that will contribute to stimulating the expansion of wind
The Wind Power Development Clinic is a knowledge base and technical support facility which aims to provide advice on wind power projects development to local
?Description: This report is a short version of the full report that has been submitted to the General Directorate of Energy by GIZ and its
?Description: This report is a short version of the full report that has been submitted to the General Directorate of Energy by GIZ and its
?This document provides an overview of all the technical and financial trainings on wind power that will be organized by GIZ in 2016.
Aiming to increase the interests and knowledge on wind power sector of young labour force, the Vietnam – Germany Summer School will provide students opportunities
The purpose of the event is to support partnerships between Vietnamese and German researchers in order to foster the quantity and quality of research on
?This factfile provides key information about the Phu Lac Wind Farm, including location, investors and investment costs and technical information on the wind turbines.
??This factfile provides key information about the Bac Lieu Wind Farm, including location, investors and investment costs and technical information on the wind turbines.
??This factfile provides key information about the Tuy Phuong Wind Farm, including location, investors and investment costs and technical information on the wind turbines.