The Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE) project aims to support Southeast Asian partner countries in the transition to a future energy system that provides reliable and affordable energy to the people while increasing political ambition to comply with the Paris Agreement. Through a comprehensive approach, including public, private and research organisations, CASE contributes to shifting the narrative of the energy sector in Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and Viet Nam towards an evidence-based energy transition.
The project is organised in five main activities.
Research and Evidence
- Identifying and addressing research gaps and missing evidence for an energy transition in Southeast Asia
- Repacking existing evidence to increase understanding
- Researching and providing new evidence and facts to support decision making in the energy field
Transparency and Mapping
- Continuous stakeholder mapping to facilitate coordination
- Knowledge platform to facilitate information sharing and retention of expertise
Dialogue (non-energy sector)
- Identifying relevant non-energy issues and public stakeholders impacted by energy transition-related issues
- Supporting public dialogue and ownership of the long-term impacts and co-benefits of energy transition and ambitious climate policy
Technical Assistance (energy sector)
- Training key energy institutions and decision-makers on energy transition-related (technical and regulatory) issues
- Quality data and information to drive dialogue on energy transition among energy stakeholders and support change
- Supporting knowledge exchange among key energy stakeholders
- Building a sustainable network of energy think tanks in Southeast Asia
Promoting public discourse
- Developing communication activities around the energy transition in Southeast Asia to inform the general public about energy transition challenges, issues and benefits