GIZ Energy Support Programme

Climate Protection through Sustainable Bioenergy Markets in Viet Nam 


130519 - Biomass Energy - Rice Straw - 03-0-52-633-368-1595220481

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Biomass co-firing technology at Vietnam's thermal power plants will significantly help reduce CO2 emissions while helping save hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, according to scientists.

The Climate Protection through Sustainable Bioenergy Markets in Vietnam project aims to improve the preconditions for sustainable use of biomass for electricity and heat generation in the country. The project will focus more on the improvement of planning, technical and financial capacities of respective actors in the biomass energy sector in order to realize bankable investment projects.

The project is organized with three main Action Areas.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

  • Facilitating and supporting adjustments to the regulatory framework on planning and licensing of biomass energy projects, in particular on provincial level
  • Updating or assessing governmental stakeholders’ needs to facilitate the development of biomass energy
  • Developing strategies for provincial biomass development plans and drafting recommendations for the improvement of the approval process of biomass energy investment projects

Capacity Development

  • Building capacity for private sector companies on the design and development of modern biomass energy investment projects, including capacity needs assessment for biomass energy consultants, developers, and investors
  • Enhancing financial institutions’ capacities to finance biomass energy investment projects, such as consultation on the design of criteria to assess the bankability of biomass energy investment projects and the design for a financing mechanism based on biomass energy financing needs and official development assistance (ODA)/climate funding sources

Technology Cooperation

  • Supporting and enhancing technology cooperation and networks between Vietnamese and international enterprises, research institutions and universities on the use of biomass resources for electricity and heat generation

04/2019 - 09/2023



Funding Agencies

German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)


Political Partner: Viet Nam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade

Implementing Agency: Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority (EREA)


Other Projects


Climate Protection through Sustainable Bioenergy Markets in Viet Nam 

130519 - Biomass Energy - Rice Straw - 03-0-52-633-368-1595220481

04/2019 - 09/2023



Funding Agencies

German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)


Political Partner: Viet Nam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade

Implementing Agency: Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority (EREA)


The Climate Protection through Sustainable Bioenergy Markets in Vietnam project aims to improve the preconditions for sustainable use of biomass for electricity and heat generation in the country. The project will focus more on the improvement of planning, technical and financial capacities of respective actors in the biomass energy sector in order to realize bankable investment projects. The project is organized with three main Action Areas. Legal and Regulatory Framework
  • Facilitating and supporting adjustments to the regulatory framework on planning and licensing of biomass energy projects, in particular on provincial level
  • Updating or assessing governmental stakeholders’ needs to facilitate the development of biomass energy
  • Developing strategies for provincial biomass development plans and drafting recommendations for the improvement of the approval process of biomass energy investment projects
Capacity Development
  • Building capacity for private sector companies on the design and development of modern biomass energy investment projects, including capacity needs assessment for biomass energy consultants, developers, and investors
  • Enhancing financial institutions’ capacities to finance biomass energy investment projects, such as consultation on the design of criteria to assess the bankability of biomass energy investment projects and the design for a financing mechanism based on biomass energy financing needs and official development assistance (ODA)/climate funding sources
Technology Cooperation
  • Supporting and enhancing technology cooperation and networks between Vietnamese and international enterprises, research institutions and universities on the use of biomass resources for electricity and heat generation

Other Projects

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